LEO: Audits — Disclosure of Information, LE Op. 859


    Audits — Disclosure of Information to Accountants.


    December 15, 1986


    An audit is necessary for Student Legal Services to satisfy the Virginia Student Council as to the reasonableness of fees charged and/or reimbursements sought. The Student Legal Services should be guided by DR:4-101(C)(4) and EC:4-3. The Student Legal Services may turn over to an outside auditor such information as is necessary for a satisfactory audit. The outside auditor should be warned in writing that some of the material being received may involve confidential or privileged information and the outside auditor should further be advised in writing that such confidential information must remain confidential. [DR:4-101(C)(4); EC:4-3]


    Committee Opinion December 15, 1986


LEO: Audits - Disclosure of Information, LE Op. 859 (1986)